15 years ago a group of people in San Francisco developed a practice and a community based on a simple, yet profound question.
What if we let the present moment and our authenticity be a guide to our relationships, and lean into it as a path of growth? The wave of wisdom and connection that has come out of those early days is amazing.
Authentic relating games have gone around the world and thousands of people have been trained in these practices.
The Godmother of the Authentic Relating movement, Susan Campbell shares about the origins in the late 60s and 70s. Joined by two of the pioneers of the AR movement, Sara Ness and Jason Digges, they also speak about what might be next.
An interview with one of my mentors, Jeff Salzman of the Daily Evolver. We talk about my growth within the integral community and how I developed the AR practice and came to write my book Conflict = Energy.
Zach is a bit of an enigma in the AR world. His creative use of language and how he teaches is so unique!
Are you curious about how to lead an intro to AR? This experiential session with the Stoa community is a great format for learning how to work with new groups.
Kendra Cunov was one of the OG founders of the authentic community in the Bay Area and speaking with her was so illuminating. We discuss relationship by design, which is an advanced AR practice.
A gritty and fun interview with Mark Walsh founder of the Embodiment conference. With his Fiery interview style, he really puts me and Authentic Relating to the test.
This short training will help you fill your courses and understand the foundation of Authentic Relating Leadership. All of these teachings come from the last 10 years of experience that I have with conscious sales and marketing. Check out The Empowered offerings page for affordable business training that goes deep into these topics.